MFA/MA Open Reading Invitation May 21st @ 7pm

Image from Onlinecollege.orgs "15 Most Famous Cafes in the Literary World" (soon to be 16 with The Tamale Hut Cafe).

It’s the end of the the school year and to celebrate we are holding our first ever open invitational specifically for MFA/MA students, graduates and creative writing professors (adjuncts included) on May 21st.

Bring your university ID (current or former, faculty or student) and you will be able to purchase 2 tamales and get one 1 free! As always, BYOB.

For many in the know, Tamale Hut Cafe is the literary cafe of the Near Western Suburbs as well as the nexus for all art happenings.

Email us at thcreadingseries (at) yahoo DOT com and tell us if you are interested in attending.